I am an engineer and developer with a deep passion for bringing meaningful ideas to life through code. My interest in technology has allowed me to advance my skills with my own projects and provided valuable experience working with others. I am proficient in JavaScript and many other popular programming languages and web technologies.
Looking for my resume?Independently developed an entire startup, transforming their vision into a vibrant reality!
ChargeDeals is a solution to the EV community with a mission focused on boosting local economies by providing a win-win solution for businesses and electric vehicle drivers and I was contracted to develop this idea.
I led the creation of an innovative startup focused on boosting local economies while empowering businesses and electric vehicle drivers. Using my skills in modern technologies, I carefully built a strong web application using TypeScript, React, Nest.js and a variety of other cutting-edge tools and technologies combined with advanced algorithms, best practices, and software structures to efficiently manage data and achieve top-notch performance.
This comprehensive approach not only ensures a smooth and seamless user experience but also improves my software engineering skills, underscoring my commitment to innovation and technical excellence.
Cross-platform Mobile Development
All of the tasks and details are in the repository's Readme including API documentation.
Create Playlists Of Your Favourite Videos From Any Site.
Plai.tv is a web application/PWA that acts as an all-in-one library for all media video online across different platforms
Migration app for e-commerce platforms
Migration tool from e-commerce platforms to Sell.app platform, utilizes API calls and converts data from other platforms to match Sellapp's API
CQRS architecture demonstration
Senior level front-end coding challenge source that demonstrates the use of CQRS architecture alongside different logic integrations with Node/Express backend.
Build dApps on Hive, easily
Hive Plug & Play is a customizable layer 2 microservice that simplifies buidling custom_json centric dApps on the Hive blockchain.
Tailwind, Vue Responsive Twitter Clone
Junior level project using all that is publicly available to clone Twitter UI with the tweet functionality on the front-end using Tailwind.
TheAudioDB Application
Music search application, displays informations about artists such as albums, biography, songs that are available on youtube and much more using TheAudioDB API.
Linux support for Apple devices with the T2 security chip
T2linux is a project that aims to patch Linux and associated distros for Apple T2-based devices.
Discussions board with store functionality
Forum discussion boards MERN application that utilizes eCommerce functionalities using Stripe on the back-end with MongoDB.
Blockchain Explorer for Hive Attention Tokens
Sidechain explorer open source project for transactions related to a HIVE application transactions.
TheMovieDB Application
Web application that has complete use of TheMovieDB API which also demonstrates the use of Redux Thunk with React Hooks.
Firebase GitHub Application
A nicer look to Github profiles using features such as user search, authentication that demonstrates the use of data visualization with charts, Firebase and the GitHub API.